November ‘23 Newsletter

A Letter from Dr. Phillips

Snowy street scene

I remember the first time a patient in really bad shape came to the clinic. I was in my preceptorship, nearing graduation. She had a friend help her into the car and drive her to us. The only position that she could tolerate was crouching on all fours across the back seat. When she arrived, my boss went out in the snow to help her out of the car. Unable to stand upright, she hobbled in and practically crawled onto the table. After her adjustment, she was able to walk out the door unassisted. 

I think of patients like her whenever I load my equipment in the car and make my way to a patient in the present. Whenever I tell patients that I can arrange urgent appointments outside of posted business hours. Whenever I’m charting and I record the immediate improvements observed after treatment. 

When I am your chiropractor, I meet you where you’re at, both literally and figuratively, and I take you closer to where you’d like to be—where you need to be. I never want a trip in the car to keep you from receiving the care you need, whether that’s because you cannot physically get into a vehicle due to pain or because your baby is napping or because you simply don’t drive anymore. I come to you so that you can live a limitless life, ready for whatever adventures come your way.

woman and child playing game cheering

Wishing you many adventures doing what you love with the people you love over the upcoming holidays,


  • Sequoia Chiropractic will be closed Thursday and Friday 11/23 and 11/24 for Thanksgiving.

  • Sequoia Chiropractic’s home visit hours are MTWF 9am-2pm. If you have a new injury that needs urgent care outside of these hours, call or text 626-346-0977.

  • Did you know Sequoia Chiropractic has a youtube channel? Check out the latest videos on how the spine is like a safety pin and the equipment I bring to take care of patients.

  • Did you know Sequoia Chiropractic has an Instagram? Tap the icon and follow to stay up-to-date.

  • You can also find Dr. Phillips on LinkedIn. Be sure to follow her page and reach out if you’d like to arrange in-office chiropractic care for yourself or your employees.

  • Need a health and wellness speaker for your local event? How about a guest article or blog post? Email

Book Recommendations

I love to read, and in each newsletter I recommend a book or two pertaining to health. You can find them at your local library, or to purchase a copy, follow the link to Sequoia Chiropractic’s storefront.

What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat

Aubrey Gordon

Aubrey Gordon (@yourfatfriend on instagram) changes the conversation surrounding body positivity: it’s not about self-esteem, but social justice. Gordon upends the belief that fatness is both a personal and moral failure of the fat individual, and instead holds society accountable for weight discrimination. 

This book had me thinking through so many memories, unlearning and rethinking what I had been taught about fatness. I could see instances in which I had messed up, instances in which I had been hurt, instances in which I had hurt myself by the beliefs and judgments I had acquired about my body. 

I love how the entire last chapter is a vision for what ought to be the case regarding fat justice. There’s no hedging, no qualms about what change society is or isn’t capable of, just a pure vision of what would be good and right. I love how in a world where fat people are told to be smaller Aubrey Gordon dreams big.

Health Affirmation

When I feel resistant to cooking a square meal or scheduling a doctor appointment, I sometimes hear in my head the voice of Smokey the Bear saying, “Only you can take care of you.” And while I may grumble a silent retort, I know Smokey is right. I have to take care of myself.

When it comes to our health, of course we lean on family, friends, and experts. Nevertheless, some things you must do for yourself because no one else can do them for you. No one can force veggies down your throat. No one can make you go to bed on time. No one can show up for your doctor appointment in your place. 

While the body has self-healing capabilities, some health problems will not go away on their own. It’s up to you to do what only you can do, or else endure the consequences. In line with last month’s health affirmation regarding body autonomy, it’s your choice. Is it time to take action or time to wait and see? While nobody else is the boss of your body, you are the one who calls the shots and must decide what it means to take care of you.

Nutrition Spotlight:

The Truth About Fat in Food

Guess what? You need food that has fat in it! Fats and oils, balanced with protein and carbs, help you feel full so that you don’t over-eat. Plus, certain vitamins (A, D, E, and K) must be consumed with at least 5-10 grams of fat in order to be absorbed into your body. Most meals you eat should include at least a little fat.

Not all fats and oils are equal. Solid at room temperature, fats are usually animal-based, whereas oils, liquid at room temperature, are usually plant-based. Not only do you need to consume some fat and oil in general, but you specifically need essential omega-3 fatty acids which your body cannot make on its own. 

Unless you eat fish 2-3 times a week, I suggest supplementing with omega-3 of some kind. If you can handle the taste, take a teaspoon of organic cod liver oil straight. (Me? No way). Otherwise you can get omega-3s from cod liver oil capsules by Nordic Naturals, available at Sequoia Chiropractic’s Fullscript storefront.

Afraid of fishy burps? If an omega-3 supplement gives you fishy burps, that indicates it is rancid. Nordic Naturals publishes the independent testing done to ensure top quality in their products–no rancid aftertaste here.

What about vegetarians? Food sources of omega-3s include flax and chia seeds. However, you might need to supplement too. For a vegan/vegetarian-friendly omega-3 capsule, I suggest Nordic Naturals Algae omega-3. 

Order Nordic Natural products and more at Sequoia Chiropractic’s Fullscript storefront. All orders through my storefront automatically receive a 10% discount and ship directly to you. Curious to shop before you buy? You can make a patient account with no obligation to make a purchase, and you’ll have access to all my favorite supplements in the Fullscript catalog. 

One More Thing

Last winter I became obsessed with baking (and devouring) these savory pepper cumin cookies. This trick makes them irresistible: toast the cumin and peppercorns before you add them to the mix. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper or aluminum foil, measure and spread the spices, then toast for about 5 minutes at 350 degrees. After removing them from the oven, crush them using a mortar and pestle or the bottom of a glass. Once baked into cookies, the spices blend with lemon zest and just a touch of sugar to satisfy your sweet tooth and warm you from the inside out. YUM.

Happy Thanksgiving!

meme of squirrel cheeks full of food

Thank you for reading the newsletter! If you have a friend who would enjoy it, please share it with them. See you next month!


December 2023 Newsletter


October ‘23 Newsletter